Ahh, The grand debut of the Period Party!
It's like getting an unexpected invitation to the rollercoaster ride of Womanhood.!
Puberty is the time when you physically change from kid to become an adult

Puberty is an inborn part of life for girls and is quite natural. Puberty denotes the entry of a youngster into pre-adulthood and sexual maturity. But it’s still common to feel anxious, excited, and confused about it. Knowing what to expect can make puberty changes seem less weird or stressful. We give you all clarity which make you to feel comfortable during puberty. On average, females begin puberty ages 10–11 and complete puberty ages 15–17.

What happens to my body during puberty?

Acne arises (growing pains or zits or pimples) on your face and body
Mood swings become more frequent due to hormone production. Sweat glands become more active and you may start to sweat more and have body odor
Thelarche - Breast develop and gets bigger and appearance of breast buds, typically the first sign of puberty in girls, occurring around 9 or 10
Pubarche - Hair grows under your armpits, genitals (this is called pubis hair) and even facial hair. Pubic hair initially appears light, sparse and straight but will become coarse, thick, and dark throughout the course of puberty
Menarche - Female's first menstrual period cycle starts. You may feel some pain in your arms and legs as you grow
Ovarian Development - Ovarian size increases and starts producing hormones
Fat distribution - Fat increses at the hips and breasts, bone maturation and your body may become curvier.
Uterus Size -The uterus shape changes from tear-drop shaped to a pear-shape with the uterine body increasing in length and thickness
Vaginal Changes - Puberty brings about an enlargement of the labia major and labia minora with a change in color and size. Clear to white vaginal discharge may also be seen prior to the start of the mensuration period

Dear young friend, embrace this milestone with curiosity and kindness towards your body. Remember, periods are natural, normal, and nothing to fear.

Dr. Saranya

What Emotional Changes Happen During Puberty?

Feeling overly sensitive - your emotions might feel stronger and more anxious and you might feel upset or lose your temper more than usual.
Feeling uncertain - It is a transition phase, you may begin to wonder and think about new and unfamiliar aspects of life such as career, livelihood and marriage.
Peer pressure - With the onset of puberty, Hormones change your likes and dislikes and you probably struggle to fit in with your peers.
Conflicting thoughts - You may feel stuck between how you were as a child and how you wish to be as an adult.
Mood swings – Its quite common that your mood will swing between feeling confident and happy, feeling irritated and depressed in a short span of time.
Feeling conscious about yourself - The changes in shape of bodies such as the development of breasts and hips are more noticeable and may make you feel more conscious about your body in the presence of their peers of the same age group.
Getting sexual feelings - During puberty, you’ll probably start having more sexual thoughts and urges. You may feel attracted to opposite gender and sometimes what you want to be more than 'just friends' with.
You have to be more careful and pass out all feelings with a hard mindset until the correct time comes for you to judge you and the person around you to share them.

Who can I ask if I have questions about my body?

Puberty can be a very confusing time in your life. Your emotions may seem like they’re out of control. One minute you feel on top of the world, and the next minute you’re down in the dumps. Feeling this way is hard, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

Talking with your mother and grandparents may help you sort out your feelings. Talking with trustworthy friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, teachers, and counselors can comfort and support you. After all, they’ve gone through puberty too.

Hamii Kares is always here to support you in knowing it.

Lets understand more about your Body

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